Well little blog, I've been neglecting you.
So I've finished school and am looking for a job. Actually, I've been looking for a job for a few weeks now, and in all honesty it's looking pretty bleak, although I've been doing a pretty good job of staying positive. There are jobs out there, just not as many. Not nearly as many as, say, six months ago, but they're out there. I actually had an interview last week and it seemed to go pretty well, except I haven't gotten any follow up. Boo. Vince told me I should call them, but I always hate feeling like I'm bothering them. And I really don't think it would change any judgment about whether or not I was still in the running for the position.
I am really, really surprised at the lack of interest of recruiters. Normally they jump all over my resume as soon as it's posted online. And since finishing school I'm even more qualified than before.
I do have much more time on my hands, albeit less money, and can catch up on all those extra-curriculars, like this blog, exercise, my music, cooking, oh yeah, and all that wedding crap I'm supposed to take care of.
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